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SAP infrastructure management
We guarantee a 24×7 service
SCORE ensure its customers SAP infrastructure management and support to existing systems throughout the application life cycle (from installation to Upgrades and exploration).
Through the AlwaysOn service, SCORE provides a 24×7 service ensuring the safety and continuity of the customer’s business.
With a certified and high experiences team in SAP Infrastructure Management, SCORE ensures the systems and platforms performance, including required system upgrades and performance monitoring.
How can we help
- Program management of technological transformation
- Evaluation technological platform supporting the SAP Solution
- Installation and maintenance of all landscape SAP technological platform
- Upgrades SAP Platform version (S/HANA, S/4HANA)
- Heterogenous Migration of SAP Platform
- Security System Management and Authorization
- Monitoring and performance affinity of SAP platform
- Support 24×7
Through AlwayOn service, SCORE ensures a 24×7 preventive service (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) to guarantee intervention readiness in low availability periods and alert to those responsible.
Service management is performed through its own online incident management tool, available to the customer at any time, enabling effective management and control at any time.